Protecting our planet is very important to The Loch Ken Trust.
Our Baseline Ecosystem Assessment project forms a key part of the Loch Ken Plan. We will be hosting a range of activities over the year ahead, to really understand the state of the ecosystem that is Loch Ken.
Loch Ken and the surrounding area is a paradise for wildlife watchers.
I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a colourful place – look out for red squirrels amongst the trees and red deer silhouetted on the skyline Loch Ken is home to a wintering flock of Greenland White-fronted geese. Did you know this population represents one of only a handful of wintering flocks on mainland Scotland?
The activities we have been busy planning will range from professional scientific studies, through to bio-blitzes and other forms of ‘citizen science’. We will also be hosting visits from schools across the region and higher/further education students- watch this space for details.
Our natural environment is under pressure like never before in human history. Whether it is the effect of climate change, or the growing biodiversity crisis, it has never been more important to understand what is going on in our ecosystem and to conserve, protect and restore our natural habitats.
We would love YOU to be involved in this project! Is there a particular area that interests you? Or do you have an idea for a study or event of your own.Please get in touch
Photo credits:Ken Scott