Ed Hex

Born and bred in Castle Douglas Ed spent his teenage years living in the south of England. The experience has left him with a deep and abiding appreciation for this area and he intends to leave his bones here.

On returning home Ed ran Crossmichael Marina for 3 years and knows the water well. This led on to a 22 year career as an outdoor instructor with the Councils Outdoor Education Service working regularly with groups on and around Loch Ken. Currently he is a postman.

Beyond work he has served as a community councillor for many years and continues to be involved with a number of community groups in Crossmichael.

Ed’s passions are his family, including his dog, and being outside. He particularly likes hillwalking and he’s fairly certain he is still the only person that has – and for that matter the only one that ever want to – walked the boundaries of the Stewartry.